Friday, May 8, 2015

The Pedicure Basins

Week 7
Richard Nguyen
Section 001
May 8, 2015

            Professor Valverde's article on Chau Huynh's art exhibit was really eye opening to me. I am Vietnamese American and I understand that many Vietnamese immigrants are still living in fear and hatred of the Vietnam War, which has caused many problems to them and their family. Many of the Vietnamese here are anti-communist and any representations that reminds them of their homeland's political stances will cause an uproar. The pedicure basin artwork is something that I can resonate with because my mother is a manicurist just like Huynh's mother-in-law. I understand why she made this artwork because my mother work all her life as a manicurist. My mother was also able to put my three brothers and I through college. My family's life in the beginning was rough before my mother starting doing nails. We were living in the ghetto and living off food stamps and welfare. My mother did not want this life for us and decided to become a manicurist to support the family. She worked so hard and was able to open her own shop. This was the changing point in my family's life because we finally owned something and was able to move into a nice home. As a Vietnamese I do not see any misrepresentation of her artwork. All I see is her life being put into a beautiful piece that outlines her historical experiences.

Question: What did you guys get out of her Chau Huynh's artwork?

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