Sunday, May 17, 2015

Response to: Andrew Thi

Richard Yee

Wow. This was a really interesting article to read. Reading through Andrew's story gives me more perspective on criminals in our society. He says that he is more than just a criminal, that he is a man with a heart. It makes me wonder what factors in his life have led him to make such poor choices. He talks about the excitement about living life on the edge, but it's hard for me to imagine after being in prison that he would commit those crimes again. I think a lot of his has to do with the people he chose to surround himself with. While it doesn't remove all blame, peers have a tremendous impact on the ideas and attitudes that people have. I feel really badly about his family that they have sacrificed so much to get him out of jail. I really hope that he can live a clean life and turn things around permanently. It's such a shame because he seems to be a very intelligent purpose, yet he chose to use those talents for criminal activities. Something I'm curious about is how much the car accident as a child had to do with his current state. I learned in psychology that brain injuries will dramatically change people and everything about them. Perhaps due to his coma and other trauma, he suffered damage that makes it harder for him to function normally in society. I really like that he talks about how he found God. It sounds like he is turning over a new leaf, finally.

My question is: How is he doing today?

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