Friday, May 22, 2015

I Raised Myself

Week 9
Richard Nguyen
Section 001
May 22, 2015

            The article Why I love my strict Chinese mom was a response from the Amy Chua's daughter Sophia Chua-Rubenfield. Many people believe that the Tiger Mom's daughters would be hateful of how they were raised because they were forced to do well in school and play musical instruments that are seen as proper and intellectual. To the surprise of the readers, Rubenfield was happy that her mother was strict on her. She believed that her mother made her more independent and a more critical thinker. She also shed the light that their lives were not always school and music rehearsals. They were very family oriented and had a good life. As a second generation Asian American, my mother wanted my brothers and I to do well in school also. The difference between my mother and Amy Chua was that we were not forced to do anything we did not want. My brothers and I all played sports and hung out with our friends whenever we wanted. We were not held down, but still did well in school. Although my mother made school a priority, she still respected our extracurricular activities. Something surprising was that my brothers and I all worked a real job when we were in high school. We were never dependent in our parents for money and I believed that is what made us independent and responsible.

Question: Do you think Amy Chua's method was right or wrong?

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