Sunday, May 24, 2015

Tiger Parents

Alef Esteban
Section 2
Week 9

Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

            I was familiar with this reading because a teacher showed this to us in high school. The article describes Amy Chua's raising of her two daughters. Her methods appear to be radical compared to the conventional "Western" way of parenting and can even be seen as oppressive, but she justifies her actions by giving reasons and experiences. Seeing as the western style is more relaxed and focuses on different aspects of the child's psyche, the Chinese way deals with straightforward and a brute-force approach to academics. This relevant to my life because my parents have always prioritized education and to give me the skills needed to perform at my highest potential. I agree with some aspects of Amy's parenting styles, but the western style can offer additional benefits. A balance between the two will produce a growing child who can adapt to new challenges and confidently deal with new stress, while at the same time persevere and have the drive to venture towards a strong and advanced academic career. An example is that my parents would tell me to get straight A's and no video games. Of course I complained about the no video games (I could still play sports), but after listening to their reasoning, I saw that I did have more time to dedicate to school work and that built a foundation for me to keep school as first priority. Furthermore, I was able to comprehend their actions because of past experiences where they would just talk to me to teach me things about life and to think critically. Though parents can instill such mindsets to their children, there is enough room for their creativity to grow and allow them to make crucial and intelligent decisions for their own despite being parented by a "tiger mom."

Question: Even starting from a young age, will a child being parented by "tigers" have the same "result" as a child who sees the "tiger parents" at an older age?


Tiger parents might appear to be a prison to children, but they gain the skills and strength to endure their future. 

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