Sunday, May 31, 2015

Erasure of Diverse Views

Drucella Anne Miranda
Section 01
Week 10

After reading the article on Lennon and Yoko, it did not surprise me at how active the government was in terms of trying to stop their political dissent. The New World Order is true to some extent in my opinion because only a few elite people around the globe have the power to control military force, gate keep resources, and so on. Angela Davis is on the FBI list for goodness sake! Why? Because the government fears others who may be a threat to their power. If you don't believe me, then why are certain books banned over the years? Words hold knowledge, and not all knowledge is accepted.

Even at the university, Sunaina Maira writes about how 'freedom' really only applies to those who do not dissent too far from government ideology. It is really scary to think the the U.S. has so much control... I mean if they don't like something, they get rid of it or at least try to. There is a book called 638 Ways to Kill Castro. I don't know if the Asian American Movement is dead, but the way things are working right now, it is darn hard to continue a large and powerful movement.

Why do you think the U.S. tries to maintain control over so many people not just in the nation?

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