Sunday, May 17, 2015

"I am a man with a heart."

Arisa Gagarin
ASA 2 | A01
Week 8

Upon reading this article, I was disappointed to hear how the author could not stay out of trouble, even while he had positive influences in his life (i.e. his father, wrestling, the Stanford Youth Science Medical Program, etc.) and seemed to be successful in school. I have to wonder, in this case, if he were able to participate in more of these programs, would his life have been different? Is it possible that he could have been led away from his criminal activities, if more resources like this were provided for people of his socioeconomic status or tailored more for Asian Americans, specifically?

On another note, the author comes off as if he never had any bad intentions with the crimes he committed. He claims that he stole things to make money for his family, and if he did have a gun, no one was ever hurt. This made me think that the author wasn't really a bad person; that he just did bad things. Although I was glad to hear that the author was able to turn his life around through his faith in God and contribute more to the community, I am just sad that it was only after spending many years in jail.

Q: How does Andrew's story engage with the model minority myth? What factors made his academic and economic ascent possible, and what might have prevented him (and others) from reaching such heights?

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