Saturday, May 30, 2015

Why are there angry little Asian girls?

Wing Man Lam
Section 1
Week 10

In the comic “Angry Little Asian Girl,” Lela Lee depicts Asian girl as someone who often grumbles about her mom’s words. It demonstrates the stereotype for both Asian mother and daughter: Tiger mom and angry girl. When I read this comic, I related myself to the protagonist who grumbles a lot at home, and I believed many Asian girls have this in common. A question came in to my mind: what make us, the girls, so angry?  My only answer is most of us have a tiger mom at home.
Because tiger moms want their children to follow their ideal success plans, tiger moms are strict and controlling. Through high expectation and disciplines, children feel that their moms do not understand and care them. Although children know that their mothers love them, children often fall in a love-hate relationship with their moms. As a result, there is always a barrier between mother and daughter. Mothers continues to be strict, and daughters become mad. In a long run, since daughters only observed and experienced the tiger mom parenting method, they are likely to apply this method to their future children. This phenomenon becomes an endless loop, which means that angry little Asian girls and tiger moms would always coexist.
Question: what are the shortcomings of tiger mom parenting? 

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