Sunday, May 3, 2015

Is it worthwhile to sacfice liberty for something that may not occur?

Wing Man Lam
Section 1
Week 6

In the article “The USA Patriot Act: A Sketch,” American Law Division’s senior specialist Charles Doyle explains the nature of the USA Patriot Act. This act was established after the terrorists’ attacks of September 11, 2001. The whole nation was full of sadness and hatred during that time. In order to comfort citizens’ trepidation, the USA Patriot Act was designed to ensure greater safety. Under certain circumstances, conversations through face-to-face, phone, and technological devices could be legally recorded and be used against talkers later. Internet histories and private information are recorded as well. Indeed, our daily behavioral is being monitored. Once we are classified as possible “terrorists,” promised liberty and freedom are legally taken away from us.

I cannot deny that this act have helped Americans to walk out from the shadow of 9/11. However, does this act worth for us to sacrifice liberty and freedom? To what degree of safety we can actually get from this act?

I personally doubt the effectiveness of the Act because no matter how secure we are, terrorists can still find new ways to attack us. I am not trying to say that being aware of terrorism is unnecessary, but over-investigating is an unhealthy practice.  It highly affects people’s daily life since they know that somebody is tracking them. People are no longer free to do what they want. Although the society try to advices victim’s families to gradually forget what happened in 9/11, this existing act reminds them the hurt of losing their beloved one. Besides, the chance of encountering terrorist attack is relatively low compares to the chance of occurring other accidence. I wonder why our nation does not focus on something that we can actually take of control, instead of spending extra time and resources on something that we can hardly prevented. It is time for us to truly heal the wound and live happily without worrying being tracked. Therefore, I think the USA Patriot Act needs to be revised.

Question: After this law established, how many people have been tracked but later founded out to be innocent after investigation?

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