Sunday, November 15, 2015

Why Chinese Mothers are Superior

Although I experienced the parenting style that Chua refers to as “Western parenting” in “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior”, I find that all styles of parenting have their pros and cons including how I was raised. Western style parents often overprotect and overpraise their children which doesn't prepare them for the real world. Strict styles of parenting can produce successful children who are prepared for the real world, but Chua fails to address if Chinese style parenting produces happy children. She also fails to provide any data for here claim that Chinese mothers are superior. She only uses her own experience, which can at most be considered anecdotal. Her specific parenting imposed one definition of success instead of allowing her children to pursue their own interests. Her style of parenting teaches hard work and perseverance but not how to find fulfillment in one's own interests and how to be successful socially. Though the most important thing to remember is that both styles produce well-developed people despite their differences. Her children turned out good, and most children of all styles of parenting do too.

Does Chinese style parenting produce happier children? Is it even possible to make generalizations about the quality of different parenting styles?

Laura Roser

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