Saturday, November 21, 2015

Privileges not all of us have.

Julie Le
ASA002 A01
November 21, 2015

An interesting topic that came up in Boyung Lee’s article about sexuality within Asian American is the idea that coming out and exposing one’s homosexuality is seen as a westernized idea. Ellen Degeneres said something along the lines that coming out was supposed to be a relieving and freeing experience but coming from an Asian household, coming out is seen as nothing more than a disgrace and dishonor on the family. I think this western idea that “coming out” is supposed to help people feel more accepted and open with their families is such a foreign idea and negates the struggles and understanding of an Asian American family. There’s something about pushing this idea of coming out on Asian folks that make me question how much these people actually understand what it’s like being Asian American because it’s not all “freeing” but rather binding and hurtful. I’m not saying that it’s a bad idea to come out and embracing one’s sexual orientation but I wanted to point out that these things that white people consider a normal thing is something that’s unattainable for other folks because of the cultural differences. It’s a privilege not everyone has.
Question: What can be done in order to bring up conversations regarding these taboo topics within Asian American communities? How can the gap be bridge between the generations to come to an agreement regarding these issues?

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