Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blog 9- Mixed Heritage Asian Americans

Jazmyn L. Harris
Blog 9
Amerasian, Multi-racial Vietnamese, and Behavior

In Professor Valverde’s article on Mixed Heritage Asian Americans, the discussion of who is more highly respected as a multiracial Vietnamese-American is based on ten key questions. I argue that these questions are derivative of Euro-American base. The assumptions that one is not really a member of a particular race, or is regarded more highly due to language, place of birth, features or even occupation have everything to do with racial stereotypes. In the article, Valverde states that multiracial Vietnamese-Americans claim a higher status by being born outside of Viet Nam. How would one be treated with higher respect in that ethnic background when not born in the country of origin? This paradigm gives the suggestion that unless you were born in America, you won't be successful, you come from poor lineage, and you are thus, a disgrace. The enforcement of the Model Minority Myth by Asian Americans only makes the struggle to be respected as a cultured group of individuals not in some sort of "model minority group" all the more hard.
Question: How can Vietnamese Americans of mixed heritage gain respect amongst the Vietnamese community while staying true to themselves and not selling out into what is "expected" of them?

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