Friday, October 2, 2015

Week 2- Response to "Why Ferguson Matters to Asian Americans"

Kimberly Pariyavanh
ASA 2 A03
2 October 2015

          A piece of the article that resonated with me most was the author pointing out the black and white binary and how often Asian Americans have to fall somewhere between the two. It also reminded me of the Racial Triangulation Theory that shows a clear visual of how Asian Americans are viewed as “outsiders”. Although those of Asian descent are born in America it seems that the “perpetual foreigner” stereotype will always exist, which makes it more difficult for some to identify or relate to certain issues that happen within the United States. The divide is even larger by creations such as the model minority myth, as it has been said to pit other groups against each other. The display of these differences is used strategically, as it hinders the creation of alliances against issues such as police brutality against people of color.

Question: In the article, Jung briefly speaks on what media decides to expose and how some stories get very little attention. My question would be who decides which stories are told on the news or gets written about and are these valid resources that we should be listening to?

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