Sunday, October 25, 2015

[Week 6] Weapons of Mass Distraction: Your Protector is Actually Your Attacker

Leslie Do
ASA 2, Professor Valverde
TA: Josh Watkins, Section: A01
24th October 2015
Weapons of Mass Distraction: Your Protector is Actually Your Attacker 

         The essay "Monster, Terrorist, Fag" examines how the US mainstream media reinforces the gendered binary system that US is good hero and the Middle East is a site of social contagion of "monsters" -- or Islamic extremist groups (Puar, 2002, 121.) The binary system of terrorist monsters acts a neocolonial mechanism of denying civilians in the Middle East marked "monster" of their humanity (Puar, 2002, 121.) However, one of the flaws of the essay is that it doesn't discuss about how terrorist groups in the Middle East were trained, funded, created and controlled by the US corporatist government and military with American taxpayer money. The US doesn't merely have "some serious learning to do" in terms of eliminating terrorism -- as Puar and Rai stated (Puar, 2002, 121.) The US is the manufacturer of terrorism. US civilians can be productive in their quest for the truth by understanding how the invasion of Iraq on the premise of weapons of mass destruction wasn't merely a mistake. Iraq acted as a social laboratory for the US to conduct applied psychological experiments and biotechnological experiments. Moreover, the US will weaponized information and results from these experiments against its citizens for improving mass social control against American dissenters.

How can the fact that the US socially engineer terrorist groups in the Middle East be used to evolve Puar's and Rai's theory in "Monster, Terrorist, Fag?" 

Puar, J. K, Amit S. Rai "Monster, Terrorist, Fag: The War on Terrorism and the Production of Docile Patriots." Social Text (2002): 121. Print.

            ISIS was created by the CIA and Mossad

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