Sunday, October 18, 2015

Zekun Chen
ASA2 Section A01
Guns and Wars But not Roses
“Empire of Death and the Plague of Civic Violence” by Hamamoto points out the implicit relation between the increasing acceptance of violence and war to the growing number of domestic killing murders. After reading through this article, I was shocked and terrified by the facts about how guns involved in those murders and the ethnically selective murders due to the war. First, a number of murderers in the article killed victims with guns. Some of murderers were even retired soldiers.  Such a phenomenon draws my thinking of the threat of owning guns. As it is known to us, in some states in US, some people]can purchase guns to protect their safety and keep their guns at home. However, these guns may be misused in some circumstances. Also, it is difficult for regulations and law to prevent people having guns from taking them to the public areas, where guns and people who have them may be a great potential hazard to another people. Meanwhile, the ethnically selective murders can be seen as one of the long lasting effect of war. It is already a great pain that the population of countries at war will decrease sharply. And it will be even more frightening to know that some murders will happen on people of certain races and ethics due to war.

Question: Can the number of murders be possibility decreased if we have more stick law on owning guns?

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