Sunday, October 25, 2015

Blog 6: All eyes on you!

Carlos Casillas
Blog 6
ASA 02 A03
October 25th 2015

   Personally I believe the patriot act is simply another way for the government to gain control over the people to create a big brother like society. We no longer live in a time where you are free to say anything you want. While in many cases this can help prevent many crimes, many times innocent individuals who make brash claims can be arrested. This act is almost the equivalent of a witch hunt. While what happened on September 11th is a tragedy, it is important for a nation to realize that there are better ways to handle issues without beefing up security and sending more troops or bombing more countries. This act revokes the notion that we are the home of the free. In countries like China, a communist regime, you can find a very similar practice of censoring media and listening in on the average person's life. This can also be seen as a chance for a specific group to be targeted. An example would be innocent Muslims carrying out their lives would not be able to speak freely out of fear of being arrested. To believe that such an act was even a viable option of this great country is disheartening. This violates the rights of not only asian americans but all americans, privacy is the most important thing for a country that prides itself on freedom.

Question: How can as minorities come together to effectively combat laws like this in the future?

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