Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Tale of Two Campuses: UC Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy Movements

Mary Moua
ASA 002
Section A01
Blog Entry #4
October 11, 2015

A Tale of Two Campuses: UC Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy Movements
In A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy Movements, Markow writes about the two different reactions from UC Berkeley and UC Davis in response to the Occupy Movements. I thought it was interesting in how Berkeley had a more positive response compared to UC Davis who shed a negative light on the protestors since both universities were affected by the same movement which was in response to the tuition hike. It definitely raises the question of whether the two universities responded the way they did because they wanted to maintain the good prestigious image that they carry with them for being UC universities or because they were really sincere in listening to the demands of the protestors. Although I don't think there is a set answer for this question, the Occupy Movements wouldn't have happened if the UC Regents just listened to the students in the first place. This relates to the documentary that we watched in class about the fight at UC Berkeley for ethnic studies and how in the end, the universities belong to no one else but the students and how they have the power to do what they feel is right.
Question: What can students and universities do on their own part so that movements like the Occupy Movement doesn't happen again?

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