Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Week 10

Sean Guntvedt

            These “little Asian girl” cartoons give a somewhat accurate depiction of the image of the Tiger mom but with a satirical, comedic twist. However, unlike Amy Chua’s Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom, these series of comics only serve to present Asian moms in a negative light. This is evident in the fact that the matriarch is illustrated with furrowed brows, hands in the air, and only speaks with exclamations. Furthermore, the “little Asian girl” shows no affection for her mother and only emotes feelings of anger or sadness. In contrast, the “Why I Love My Strict Chinese Mom” article reveals that being raised by a Tiger Mom clearly is not as bad as the “Little Asian Girl” cartoons make it out to be. For instance, Sophia Chua proclaims that her mother taught her to give her 110% all the time and to only be satisfied with perfect work. On the other hand, “little Asian girl” constantly feels frustrated with her mother.

Question: Compare and contrast the two articles of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom and “Little Asian Girl.” How do you see your upbringing reflected in these two works?

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