Sunday, May 11, 2014

Deportation Alert

Kurt Romero
Section: A02
Response #7 – “I Am a Man with a Heart”
            Andrew Thi and is family have fled to the United States as refugees from Cambodia because of the war and genocide occurring. If the communists were to find them, they were to be killed on sight. This article talks about Andrew and his family starting a new life in the US. Andrew grew up excelling in education and loved it. When Andrew isn’t going to class or doing homework, he is out committing crimes such as theft. What really irritates me is that he was doing so well until he started stealing cars. He was given a second chance in the US to only throw it all away. He ended up deported due to the law that was passed in 1996 which makes legal immigrants subjected to immediate deportation for committing felony. This creates more conviction to deport all immigrants in the US. Movements are then created to fight against deportation.

Question: Why did Andrew commit those crimes when he was doing so well in school?

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