Sunday, May 18, 2014

Learn the Korean Culture

Kurt Romero
Section A02
Response #8 – “Korean American Youth and Transnational Flows of Popular Culture Across the Pacific”

            In the article, Park describes the challenges that Asian minorities, such as Korean Americans, face when put into a different society. This brings up the idea of globalization where countries share business with one another. However, this not only affects the business but also teach us the cultures of the country we share business with. Having the Korean youth raised in a different country teaches them the cultures of that country. Therefore, they will eventually lose their culture and heritage for generations to come. Fortunately, as Park mention, the culture doesn't become lost because it is expressed through media such as the internet or television, and read in books. This is what helps connect the two different cultures together.

            I can relate to this that I actually didn't understand the Korean culture until I listened to Korean pop music. I listen to many of the mainstream Korean artists and bands such as Se7en and Girls Generation through YouTube. YouTube also introduced me to some Korean American artist such as Dumbfoundead. Here is a video of Dumbfoundead’s new recent song called “24Ktown” which fits perfectly to this discussion. 

Question: How did you learn about the Korean culture (through media, friends, family)?

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