Sunday, May 25, 2014

My Mom is a Tiger, not a Cougar.

In response to, “Why I Love My Strict Chinese Mom.”

This article gives the perspective of the daughter of Amy Chua on how she feels about being raised by a “Tiger Mom.” Amy Chua is the author of an article entitled; “Why Chinese Mothers are Superior” which describes her outlook on parenting and how many other Chinese parents raise their children. The article received much criticism, as it seems that she is too strict and is raising robot children who are unable to have fun or think on their own.
I especially like the article written from her daughter’s perspective because of the insight given from firsthand experience. Not because I can relate to her daughter or think that my own mother is a “Tiger Mom”, that would be ridiculous! In all honesty, I believe that being raised by a “Tiger Mom” is quite beneficial even with all the stress and criticism. Although there are many flaws to the style, overall, I do agree with her daughter because I believe it incentivizes children from a young age.
Reading these articles led me to an odd, unrelated and probably shallow question. While there are still many aspects I am not considering, I cannot decide whether or not deciding to use a “Tiger Mom” approach to child rearing is completely selfless or selfish. Is the approach putting the child completely before yourself by realizing that the child’s future is more important than how other parents and maybe even the child looks at you? Or is it selfish because the child is something to brag about that reflects the parent? Or am I completely thinking about a child as an object and not a sentient being at all? Much confusion. Need chocolate.

Aaron Handa

Section A02

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