Sunday, May 11, 2014

Joseph Wu
Section A01
Response 7
I am a man With a Heart
Andrew Thi and his family were among the refugees that escaped to the United States from Cambodia during their civil war. If anyone was found by the communists, they would have been executed. I personally know a friend whose parents were forced to kill one of their friends because she stole food from a camp. The people in the camp buried her up to her neck and kicked her until she died. It was a harsh place to live in, so it’s understandable why they would risk their lives to run to the United States. In Andrew’s case, after he ran to America, he did well in school, but in the side, he would get involved in theft and gangs. It’s strange to see since you usually see one either do well in school and stay out of trouble, or get involved in shady business and do poorly in school.

Congress eventually passed a law in 1996 that “subjected legal immigrants to immediate deportation or removal status for committing felony” so he was set to be deported. He wasn’t able to for a while since Cambodia was a Communist country. The only question was why he would commit crimes when he has a pretty good at school.

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