Sunday, April 20, 2014

Week #4

Jesse Lee
The Imperial University

For this week I want to ask the question: Why is the use of coercion and force using the police such a dominant tactic that is used to deal with protests?
 It makes me wonder how do those in power view us: as enemies? It is tragically funny to me that the university system tends to use coercion as their main and first tactic to deal people who are executing their first amendment right. We are in a system of higher education but when the students wish to negotiate terms with the university, the university usually refuses to negotiate. Then they deal with these students whose next course of action is to protest by using the police. Why do the people in power resort to terror to oppress the people so much?  I thought the police were meant to serve and protect the people? I guess their real job is to serve and protect the corporation.

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