Sunday, April 20, 2014

From what I could remember about the Occupy movement was making silly puns about it in high school. But what I found interesting from reading this article was that difference between the two universities when it came to the occupy movement. All of which I believe has to do with the school's history. Ideally they both want the UC to have lower tuition. UC Davis students wanted the school to not put a lot of the school funds into the cleaning and repairing of Dutton Hall but instead for something else that benefits the students. However the movement ended up hurting the school even more and not just the school but the students as well. The movement resulted to the notorious pepper spray event. While on the other hand UC Berkeley students had no similar consequence.
Just why were such drastic measure taking into account for the protesters at UC Davis? Ideally they are protesting for the same thing  but was it the difference in demand the cause of the consequence?

In response to A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy movements

David Le
ASA 02
Section 1
Blog post 4

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