Saturday, April 19, 2014

Occupy Protests in Colleges

Response to "Fighting Privatization, Occupy Activists at CUNY and UC Kick Into High Gear" (Week 4 Reading)
Post Date: April 19, 2014

This article describes the reasoning of why protesting for public spaces is extremely important for colleges, instead of privatizing and making money, by telling the tale of two different colleges and their fight for students. With the advent of privatization, bigger companies are allowed to create and manipulate various  These events were tied together with the Occupy movements, causing massive protests against dominant business companies. These protests have been fought with much aggression from police forces and governments. Even colleges that are not considered to show much support for protesting, such as CUNY, have fought to keep their campus free from privatization.

Protests from the 1960s have helped provide ethnic studies to campuses today. In addition, protests have also immensely aided with making social changes to today’s world in order to help the individual and communities. We must recognize the politics of powerful politicians and large businesses, in addition to how their changes are greatly affecting smaller communities and. Students and faculty have greatly benefited from those who show and attempt to change the world, whether or not these goals are actually achieved. In the case of college life and politics, we owe these trailblazers our rights and livelihoods. We must realize how much these people put on the line for future generations, despite successes and failures.

Question: When the students in this article describe an “open university,” what does that mean to you?

Posted by: Eric Yu
Section A01

The UC Davis pepper spray incident has remained an iconic image for many protestors and their fight against the oppression of smaller communities. Picture from The New York Times. (Original Caption: Protesters at the University of California, Davis, have been calling for the chancellor to quit since a pepper spray attack Friday by the police.)

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