Sunday, April 13, 2014

Forming Alliances

Lan Nguyen
Sec 1
Response #1: Omatsu

                In his article "The Four Prisons and the Movements of Liberation", Omatsu analyzes the four prisons, which provides an insight of the struggles that Asian Americans had to endure when fighting for justice. Omatsu concludes his excerpt by asking a series of questions in relation to the end goal of achieving justice. A question that Omatsu reflects on regarding the concerns of other oppressed groups struck out to me. He states, "Will we fight only for ourselves or will we embrace the concerns of all oppressed people?". In the documentary Yuri Khochiyama: Passion for Justice, Richard Aoki and Yuri Khochiyama serves as exemplary models and valuable demonstration of different oppressed, ethnic groups fighting to achieve justice for eachother. 

                 Although activists are passionate about fighting for justice for their own oppressed group, they understand and experience the same struggles that other oppressed groups share. Different oppressed groups share the same goal which is to achieve justice for their unequal treatment from societal hierarchies. Alliances form as different groups experience the same struggles and understand inequality which is evident through Aoki and Khockiyama, as they were a part of the Blank Panther Party. What are some other examples of cross ethnic alliances? 

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