Sunday, April 12, 2015

Higher Education Diversity Benefits our Communities

Mai Sy Vue
Section 1
Week 3 

After reading “Higher Education Diversity Benefits our Society” I was surprised to know that Proposition 209 existed and it did not support people of colors such as Asian Americans and Africans Americans in getting the same opportunity in education and jobs as white people. Proposition 209 has been a great disadvantage to Asian Americans in America and was used to restrict the growing population of educated Asian Americans. I was also surprised to see how much of an effect it had on Asian Americans especially in the acceptance to UC Berkeley. I believe that higher education diversity does benefit our community more because it allows us to better understand and work with the other races and as a result we will be able to support our community without racism and discrimination. The Question for this reading is: How has diversity in education benefit our community so far? 

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