Sunday, April 19, 2015

Stopping the occupy movement?

Yin He
Section 1
Week 4

After reading “a tale of two campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to occupy movements”, I felt frustrated and angry. The repeated tuition increases problems seem never end. Even though both of the school respond the occupy movement, there is nothing change. The middle class access plan is designing to solve the problem and try to help the middle-income families for the school tuition. However, the main problem of the tuition is still not solving. UC as a public university should be making everyone want to go to university have right to go, but now the tuition problem stop many people’s dream. When Davis respond the occupy movement, they seem try to ignore the main problem, rising tuition. They tried to move the point from the rising tuition to the damage of occupy movement. When they think about the damage of school and feel angry at the students’ actives, did they ever think about how to really stop it? Education should be an equal right to each one.

Question: Is the school really want to solve the problem or they just want to stop the occupy movement?

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