Thursday, April 16, 2015

Outcome of Two Campuses

Week 4
Richard Nguyen
Section 001
April 16, 2015

            After reading A Tale of Two Campuses: Berkeley and Davis respond to Occupy Movements, I am really surprised that nothing really good resulted from the movement on the Davis campus. UC Davis is not usually known for its protest and movements, so I assumed that any kind of disturbance will result in an agreement with the students. Compared to UC Berkeley, they were offered the Middle Class access plan (MCap) will seems to help students out with tuition. It's frustrating that UC Davis did not adopt this program too because I would be able to benefit from it. Right now I think tuition and board is already too high for me. I work over 30 hours a week so I can afford to live and go to school here in Davis and not take out any loans. It's frustrating to me that I have to be a full time student and work two different jobs just to not be in debt. It is very difficult to balance my school work and job at the same time. Sometimes I feel like I have such a miserable life because I do not get any support from my parents when paying for rent, school, food, and medical insurance. I hope that something changes that will make our UC system more affordable. It makes no sense that the tuition rises a couple thousand dollars every year. Why isn't the government doing anything about this? It should be a crime to charge so much for an education.

Question: Was there any positive outcomes to the Occupy Movement here in UC Davis?

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