Sunday, April 19, 2015

Richard Yee
Response to: White Privilege and Male Privilege

I thought this was a really great article analyzing white and male privileges. As a male myself, I can see how the term privilege not only encompasses the disadvantages women face, but also many advantages inherently given to men. A comment that particularly struck me was how difficult it can be to wrap your head around all of the subtle disparities between groups of people. We are dealing with invisible social perceptions that can't necessarily be quantified and analyzed the way other statistics can be used. Furthermore, I liked how she was able to contrast the two types of privilege based on race and gender. She was able to use the advantages she faced from one to compare against the disadvantages of another. Thankfully, perhaps attributable to the progressive nature of our current society and geographical location; I haven't faced such explicit prejudice. However, I do know that my grandparents and great grandparents faced much more adversity. My question would be: Will society ever be able to reach the social equity of all people and genders? What will that look like?

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