Sunday, April 26, 2015

What War for?

Yin He
ASA 2- A1
Week 5

 From the article, “From Saigon to Baghdad: The Vietnam Syndrome, the Iraq War and American Foreign Policy”, I had no idea about what war for. It showed that the Vietnam War continues to haunt America. It was a hurt of culture and mind. Not only hurting American when the war went on, but also after the war. PTSD was one of the war harmful sides. So what is the war for? Getting more power for the country, but how about after the people in the country? The war can get some land, power or something else, but it would lose the people’s mind. The war would give a forever-harmful reflection to culture, national memory and policy. Stopping the war and harming the people’s mind is the right thing we should do. The harmful reflection is the warning from the Vietnam War. We were not able to change the past, but we could change the future. 
Question: Have any ways to fix the harmful problem? The Vietnam Casts shadow still cover the American life. What can we do for decrease the harmful reflection?

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