Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Quota on Excellence?

Alef Esteban
Section 2
Week 3
A Quota on Excellence?

            This article interested me on how admissions are conducted at top universities. As a kid I had the thought that people attending any college are there because of their interest in learning and their merits and achievements. Coming into UC Davis, I assumed that I was accepted because of my grades, extracurricular activities, and other factors. I did not know very much about the complex history on how admission rates and the process of selecting prospective students. The reading summarized that there were multiple influences affecting the admission rates into the universities and what popped out to me was how the science/engineering major admission rates increased over the years. While this can occur because of people actively taking an interest in admission rates and trying to find the balance, this might occur because of the technological advances. Even in technology advances every year, the prospect of a profitable industry might appeal to people, regardless of nationality and they would be drawn to that major. As said in the beginning of the reading, higher education is a way for Asian Americans to gain "social mobility" and while this can be true, it can be applied to anyone wanting a prosperous life.

Question: Did advancements in technology play a role in increased major acceptance rates?

Some might believe that college acceptances are also based on luck as well as personal achievements.

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