Sunday, April 19, 2015

UC Davis: 99 problems because they keep making their own

Ivan Ornelas

Week 4

Section 2

Upon reading "A Tale of Two Campuses" and seeing how UC Davis and UC Berkeley responded differently to the occupy movements, I found it interesting for a number of different seasons. There is a sense of unity between the 9 (10 if you include UCSF) schools and you would think they would have a similar midset for these sorts of situations. But in a different way of looking at it, even the same family can have different out looks on life between the individuals of that family. Ultimately the difference between these two schools in this particular situation is that Berkeley addressed the issue by offering more financial aid while UC Davis announced the cost of the damage students caused to Dutton Hall due to the protesting. Basically Berkeley tried to fix the problem but what Davis did was creating more problems. By announcing the damage and how much hours were devoted to fixing the damages it just created more tension. It was like they didn't understand why that happened in the first place. That is not how we progress as an institution or a community. No one is going to get what they want. Both parties are not perfect but if we don't see eye to eye things will get worse faster than they get better.

Is it possible to meet the goals and expectations both the administration and the students strive for peacefully or will we continue being at odds with one another?

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