Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hamamoto Empire of Death

Mai Sy Vue
Section 1
Week 5

The reading “Hamamoto Empire of Death” was interesting but also frightening at the same time. I was amazed when reading the thoughts of serial killers but scared of the fact that most of the torture is done to Asian American women. Veterans who come back from the war are still affected by the war and I can understand that but when they start abusing, raping and killing people, specifically people of different colors, it is immoral to just let this issue go. The society, the police and the government does not seem to care as much about the killings, murder and torture that is done to these people because the victims are people of colored races. Before this reading, I thought that discrimination and inequality was not such a serious issue where I would be frightened but after this reading, I realize that Asian Americans lives are worthless to the society and white people which scares me because I am an Asian American women. The question for this reading is, how is society and the government able to just let most of  these criminals go unpunished? 

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