Sunday, April 26, 2015


Jason Wong
Section 2
Week 5

The article "Empire of Death" categorized different types of murders, detailing some examples of real murders. While some parts of the article were difficult to take in, it was interesting to read stories of actual murders that occurred and the results of said murders. One murder in particular talked about how the murderer was undersold by the media as some "loser" but in reality had a denser background. LA said the man was a former soldier who was not glorious and poor out of his luck but in reality he had a deep military career. That made me think about how people are often portrayed in media. Obviously murderers are the bad guys, but some murderers may have history of psychological issues. There was a article I read about a murderer (I forgot his name) that called a suicide hotline the day before he went his serial killing, but was not able to get through because he felt his issue was not an emergency issue, and thus was left on hold. The idea that I'm getting at is, not to take things in at face value. Kind of odd to get a life lesson out of a murder article, but as a student as a person seeking knowledge, I feel it is important to look at a situation at various angles. It's like as we grow up, we need to take things with a grain of salt.

   (Ignore the tequila)

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