Sunday, April 19, 2015

ASA 002
Section 1
Week 4 Blog
Chenguang Yin      

        This week I have read the article about Wen Ho Lee’s case. I think we should think this case in two angles. First of all, as a Chinese, I feel very sad and angry about the way US government treat Wen Ho Lee. After I've searched some materials about this case. No source says that the evidence of espionage is decisive or conclusive. And I believe that this is clearly racial discrimination! Actually, more and more talents Chinese people have immigrated to the US especially in terms of advanced technology. Why? Because they believe they can find equality and better opportunity in US; meanwhile, higher level of facilities and colleagues will dramatically help their own researches.         However, if this case happens usually, I don’t think they want to come here anymore.

           However, this case also tells me another story. Wen Ho Lee is very old Chinese American: no newspaper, no vote, and no social media. Because of lack of general knowledge, those racialist will have better chance to infringe Lee’s rights.  If all the Chinese American acts like Lee, the discrimination will never end. Even for us, international students, maybe it is none of our business, because we are not US citizen. But, if, one day, those racialists start hurting us, what should we do?

Question: Is there any movement related to this case? How's it going?

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