Sunday, April 19, 2015

Standing out

Jason Wong
Section 2
Week 4

After reading "Tale of Two Campuses" my initial response was that the article represented a behavioral ideology. The article talked about UC Berkeley and UC Davis dealing with the occupy movement which were addressed differently by their respective departments. UC Berkeley addressed the new changes they would implement to make education more affordable. However, in UC Davis, they reported the damages that occurred along with the man hours the custodians would have to undertake in order to repair the damages. In a sense, it seemed like UC Davis represented an Asian stereotype, being submissive, due to Davis being known to be a placid school where as Berkeley is known to be a socially active school. Due to these images, it felt like the article was making note of this idea of how the image of an entity can change the treatment it receives. The reports seemed to belittle the students of Davis for their actions because the school was known to be placid, or so it seems. This goes along with the phrase about Asian American ideology where "the nail that sticks out gets pounded" vs the idea of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease ". These ideas came to mind while reading the article, sort of telling the broader audience that a change of image can result in different responses, because it is the outside of things that people see.

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