Sunday, April 12, 2015

How higher education diversity benefits our communities

Week 3
Yin He
Section 1

Article: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in California: How Higher Education Diversity Benefits Our Communities

In this article, it talked about the equal opportunity in education, employment and contracting. The proposition 209 is talking about prohibit public institutions from discriminating on the basis of race, sex, or ethnicity. Also from the article, it showed that there are a lot of benefits.  As Chang-Lin Tien, former UC Berkeley Chancellor and the first AAPI to head a leading U.S. university, pointed that if we denying access to talented but disadvantaged youth, our universities and colleges will slip backward. Education should be equal to everyone. In my mind, education is the basis right of everybody. Race, sex or ethnicity should not be the reason of the education chooses. Nowadays, more and more AAPIs in California, their voice become more and more important. In the meanwhile, the equal of education is benefit the communities. It would able to improve the quality of the community. Question: How to make more people get the equal opportunity in education?

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