Sunday, April 19, 2015

A Tale of Two Campuses

Yun Ting (Claudia) Chao
ASA Section 2
Week 4
A Tale of Two Campuses

            It is saddening seeing the difference in reactions by the two UC chancellors, while one decided that the reasoning behind Occupy’s actions were legitimate and decided to address it, the other chancellor brushed off Occupy’s cry for change as mere vandalism. It is possible that Berkeley, a city known for its liberalism is more experienced in reacting to activist activities, while Davis, a small town known for small businesses and not a lot of progressive changes may not been as accepting to call for changes, and may have negative biased emotions towards the activist activities, because the town is not used to it. Regardless of the town or city’s experience with dealing with activism, there should be no excuse for the chancellors to not properly address their student’s needs. As they are elected or hired for a reason, and they should be experienced in leading the school as a whole, and fulfilling their student’s needs.

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