Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The United States Patriot Act

Week 6
Richard Nguyen
Section 001
April 29, 2015

            The USA Patriot Act: A Sketch gives a breakdown of need laws that are enforcement to prevent and fight against terrorism. A lot of these new laws were enforced after the September 11 attacks in New York. This may be controversial to some because a lot of the new policies give law enforcement permission to track and listen to phone conversations. Some of the law also allows the government to the ability to surveillance computer communications such a chat messages and emails. Many of people believe this is an invasion of privacy because whatever communication civilians are having they are being track to see if any criminal or terrorist acts are being committed. I believe a lot of these laws are good for the United States because I rather have our country more secure from terrorism then having to worry about the government monitoring our internet access and calls. The attack on September 11 was a terrifying event and I would not want that to happen again. People are furious at the government because they we apparently do not have privacy. But if you're not doing anything wrong or illegal then one should not have to worry about the government. It is not like the government is targeting everyone in the United States because they are only trying to track down terrorist attacks. The Patriot Act is here to help our country, not destroy it.

Question: What are some good outcomes from the United States Patriot Act?

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