Sunday, April 12, 2015

Education Equality for All

Mae Wong
Section 1
Week 3
Education Equality for All
In America, everyone has an equal opportunity to education. However, some Asian Americans struggle to obtain a degree. In the article, "Complicating the Image of Minor Minorities Success: A Review of Southeast Asian American Education by Bic Ngo and Stacey J. Lee,  Southeast Asians are heavily stereotyped in their performance in education. They face culture conflict because some cultures perceive education unimportant. However, some of the younger generations do not want to follow the culture standards because they want to go to school. Other Southeast Asian Americans struggle with race discrimination because society gives them no hope for success. They view them as dropouts, gangsters, or welfare dependents. It is unfair of the school to view  their students in that descending way. Teachers or anyone in the school should only care about giving children the education that were given to them. However, some Asian Americans like the Vietnamese are given high notes about how they perform well in school. But they face racism , which, as a result, they are secluded and don't have the best social life with other students.

I believe if the teachers weren't biased and were true to their jobs, then I think there wouldn't be any stereotyping because teachers and other school administrators can stop stereotyping and create a fair environment. 
Why is it necessary to put down others and give those that have the higher success the attention than those that don't have the high success? 

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