Sunday, April 12, 2015

Placement of Asian American in Affirmative Action as a political strategy

Soo Lee
Week 3

The reading, "Situating Asian American in the Political Discourse on Affirmative Action," Michael Omi and Dana Takagi critiques political strategies that the Right and the Left use Asian American in the discourse of Affirmative Action. They see the problems in situating Asian Americans within the frame of black and white binary. The Rights exploits the voice of Asian Americans' struggles to align their demand of dismantling Affirmative Action. On the Other hand, the Left generalizes the perspective of Asian Americans into the struggles of African Americans without acknowledging/seeing the systematic racism that exists in Asian American communities.
It is crucial to analyze the rhetorical construction of both arguments that are presented with such political strategies. They also point out the importance of the "explicit discussion of the nature of race and racism in the United States today" to understand the intersectional struggles of Asian Americans.

Frankly speaking, there are many points on this article that are confusing for me, but with that being said, then what ARE some concrete yet intersectional perspectives of Affirmative Action from Asian Americans point of view (that are presented by us rather than from the Right and the Lefts)?

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