Monday, April 20, 2015

Privatization/Tale of Two Campuses

Nathan Suh
Section 1

Response to Privatization/Tale of Two Campuses

UC Davis had an cold blooded, emotionless response to the occupy movement.  Instead of actually addressing the problem of tuition hikes, they completely avoided the issue and complained about the $8500 in damages the movement incurred.  But according to the article, UCB responded much differently, announcing the MCap plan to lower tuition for middle class families.  The author juxtaposes these two statements as if they were both responses to the protests.  However, this seems to be a false juxtaposition as we don't know the timeline of when these events happened.  The MCap plan was for all schools in the UC system, and UCD may have made an announcement about it elsewhere.  As for the article responding to privatization - one huge reason for the lack of funding and needing private money is because of the budget cuts.  My question is, why is education funding being cut from the budget so much?  This is a very complicated question I'm sure.

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