Sunday, April 12, 2015

Affirmative Action

Yi Zhou
Section 001
Week 3 blog
April 12, 2015

After read through the article “Situating Asian Americans in the Political Discourse on Affirmative Action”, the most impressive part in the article to me is that race was one of the criteria to get jobs and to enroll into universities in the past. Actually until nowadays, I still can feel discrimination on Asian people when we look for some particular jobs or apply for universities. Some of my friends majoring in animal science tell me that the enrollment rate of veterinary school is much higher to white people compared with Asian Americans. International students even rarely have chance to get into good veterinary school. In my personal experiences, when I interview with internship positions in bank, I find out that although the race of interviewees are pretty diverse during the interview part, the people who finally get the jobs are mostly white. Although compared to the past, the discrimination on Asian people decreases a lot, the unfair things still happen in lots of aspects in our daily lives. Asian people still need to contribute ourselves to get equal right and equal position in the united state.

Question: Why in some minority people’s opinion, Asians are “born smart” and are easier to get greater scores?

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