Friday, April 19, 2013

Realization from the Pepper Spray Incident

               Ka Pou Sin
Reading Reflection #4

 Looking at the University of California, Davis’ pepper spray incident, it really influences me to the idea that the police are not there for our benefit. Before reading the article, “Fighting Privatization, Occupy Activists at CUNY an UC Kick Into High Gear”, I have always thought that the police is who I can rely on, as of my safety. However, when it comes to incidents like students’ protest and when students are fighting for our rights, these polices are the ones in the way. They are not there to protect us, but they are the ones to hurt us. It seems like somehow, we need to protect ourselves from the police. They are only there for the school’s benefit, so that they can stop us students from ruining the plans of profiting from the ridiculously high tuition fees. The students that did protest should be forever acknowledged as our heroes because they are the ones who fought and sacrificed for our future education. For example, Shannon Giameichele risked her life during the movement when she was attacked by pepper spray. The police didn’t care if it would do any damage to the student’s bodies, and their cold thought of hurting these students caused Giameichele’s asthma problem to arise and it lead to her lung problem. After all the reading, I feel that the UC system is bullying students and wanting them to follow what they have planned in their benefit and will try to resist all the protests no matter what it takes, including harming the health and body of innocent students, who only wanted their rights.

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