Sunday, April 21, 2013

Privatization of the Public School System, Who said we wanted it?

Reading Reflection #4
In Response to Fighting Privatization, Occupy Activists At CUNY and UC Kick Into High Gear by Josh Eidelson

I am well aware of the tuition hikes to University of California campuses but what I did not know was the reason why there was a hike. In Josh Eideson article about tuition hikes in the UC it was due to the privatization made by the UC Regents. This means our administrators who are the regents work for private companies such as Bank of America. These regents aren't even voted by us, they do not represent us, and they dare increase of tuition because they want to privatize our school system? Why did we allow such people to run our school system? They only want to privatize our school system so they can make a profit and the administrators of the UC are not doing anything about it. And this article has opened up to me of why there was an Occupy movement. I knew it was about the tuition hikes but I did know about the push to privatize our public school system. I really want to know how we as student can defend ourselves from the tuition hikes if the administrators do not represent the general public. What can we do solve this problem? Change is hard to achieve in my opinion and I believe if we really wanted to change something, a radical response is the only way to achieve it. But a radical response to me is also the wrong answer.

Andy Wang
Section A01

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