Saturday, April 11, 2015

Diversity is the Key

Brina Sylve
ASA 2 - A02
April 11, 2015
Week 3
Diversity is the key to a more conscious society. But according to "How Higher Education Diversity Benefits Our Communities" and "Race Still Matters" diversity in higher education is a far cry from where it needs to be. Especially when only 29% of white students attend schools mostly comprised of minorities in a school system with biased standardized tests, and more then $733 more goes to funding 90% white schools than 90% minority schools. This stratification is not only detrimental to minority groups obtaining higher education but also detrimental to obtaining intergroup contact and experiences, cross-group friendships which can lead to less prejudice.
And we all can benefit from less prejudice. For the nasty thing about prejudice is that it can constrict one's opportunities in life. Opportunities for higher education, better jobs, housing, and even the relationship they have with others and themselves. Both articles stress the importance of diversifying, but we also have to realize that diversifying is something we can do right now for ourselves where we are. For if not we allow this sort of chaos to ensue:
What is something you can do to ensure yourself more intergroup interactions?

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