Sunday, July 28, 2019

Taspon Gonggiatgul Week 6 blog -SS1

After reading ping wang's new poem "My Kintsuki", I am confused by the plot of the story, but I did understand that the author had initial struggles with trying to cope with academia, but she did not give up easily since her resiliency keeps her going. In the poem, she seems to be meeting someone that she admires, but I have no idea who that particular person is, but I do know that person was someone important to the author and was like an eminent figure to her. Overall, I think this was a pretty confusing poem because I didn't fully understand the context of the poem as well as the message that it is trying to convey. The article "Epilogue" by Robyn Rodriguez on the other hand primarily talks about the renewing of the commitment to both community and activism made in the third world liberation front strikes. The author specifically argues that the fight of Asian American women rights should not be enacted solely on the Asian American women population, but instead the fight should be used to provide social liberation for everyone within the country, and all of these can be achieved if we can work together and make legislative changes.

Image Citation:
ChurchPOP Editors. (2016). Public Domain. Retrieved from

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