Sunday, July 14, 2019

Andrew Stephanus Week 4 blog SS1

The first reading that i finished was about care work in academia. The idea was that as professors and faculty members, they nurture the students and make sure that they are okay. Asian American women are targeted by care work because people think that because they are Asian American, they are happy to do this job and therefore become "servants" for the students. One of the points of the reading was that if a students is having some problem outside the class, it would affect their learning progress and the professors are supposed to help them in order to succeed in academia. Care work includes, getting student internships, finding a job for them, writing recommendation letters, and also just regular consultation. The problem here for me is nowadays the university doesn't care about the students and they depend on the professors and teachers to perform these care works. However, universities are being run by business minded people and therefore consider these professors as normal labors. The university failed to take care their faculty members and as a result, more and more adjunct are hired with no benefits and very low pay. The question I have is, how can our teachers take care of us when they are also in some financial issues and other issues? This created a very bad environment in a university where teachers would no longer care if a student is failing or having problems with the class.
Second reading was She Shall Not Be Moved by Ping Wang. In this reading I felt sad for her. Because I felt her pain, suffering, anger, and desperation. The reading was an explanation of her situation were she teach. It seem to me that no one around her was rooting for her. The most terrifying thing came to my mind. Ping Wang mentioned how she forces all of her energy to teaching because she loved teaching and enjoy watching her student become warriors. I am scared of what could happen if one of her students would betray her and became the weapon for her chair and provost. She was already desperate and filled with pain before, I just cant imagine what will happen if one of her students betrayed her.

-Weekly reading 4

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