Sunday, May 31, 2020

Chiharu Ito ASA002 A04 Week10

From all readings of this course, we have learned about the existence of racial and gender discrimination in academia, and the backgrounds of how they were created and supported. In “Conclusion: Academics Awaken Power, Resistance and being Woke”, the author highlights what we can do to change the system of academia with the long history of racism. The author wrote “This is not just about battles against the institution, nor is it about race, class, gender, sexuality, or anything else that divides us, but rather it is about how we choose, now that we have awoken to the reality of these structures, to live in alliance with ‘our people.’” We need to realize what was happened and why that happened, then each individual needs to think about what future we want. There are various ways to speak up and change the system of society. The news article “Docuseries offers fresh look at Asian American experience” introduces a documentary of Asian American history and experiences. Creating a movie source is an effective way to show what was happening to the public and provide opportunities to think about what kind of future we want. It is very important to continue those actions, and I hope that more and more people join those activities.

Valverde, K.-L. C., & Dariotis, W. M. 2020. “Fight the tower: Asian American women scholars’ resistance and renewal in the academy”. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Nakayama, T. 2020. “Docuseries offers fresh look at Asian American experience”, Nichi Bei: A Mixed Plate of Japanese American News and Culture.

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