Sunday, May 28, 2017

SAPSA Pre-screening Alan,Don, Jowi

Alan Sani, Don Atienza & Jowi Deguzman

To give a possible explanation for the stereotype that Filipinos love to entertain and perform.

Since Filipinos are well known to take part in entertainment, our audience would be both Filipinos and non-Filipinos to educate them on why this may be. We would also like to educate Filipinos on why they might value this so much.

Our video is currently a work in progress and this is just a preview of it that does not include parts such as the conclusion, more interviews and information, etc. This is, however, the main outline of how our SAPSA will be.

We would like specific feedback on the layout of our video.

Below is the link to our video: 



  2. Hey 3A! You asked for specific feedback about the layout of the video. With the content that you have, everything fits in a way that makes sense. However, I’d like some context. The video went straight into the interviews, and I’d appreciate a little intro to the topic at hand. Maybe, add in a part as to why this may be relevant to your lives. I’m Filipino so I do know this stereotype pretty well, but to someone who isn’t aware of this wouldn’t feel as connected to the message as a person like me would. Also, the ending felt like it was missing an actual conclusion. You get to your hypothesis, without showing the possible implications behind it.

    There were a lot of strengths in the video. The video gets its overall message across very well. And, I do appreciate the inclusion of people who are not Filipino into the discussion, in order to gain a different perspective. And, the showing of many interviews worked well with getting the point across. Also, the showing of different types of entertainment towards the end of the SAPSA is well thought out, and gels with well with the rest of the video. Wishing you the best of luck with the SAPSA.

    -Riyan Lacara

  3. Karen Nguyen

    ASA 002 A02

    SAPSA Pre-screening Review: 3A

    The Reason Why the Stereotype: Filipinos Love to Entertain and Perform Exists

    Overall, the video and its layout were good. The objective was not very clear at the beginning; however, if there is a presentation before the video starts about what it will entail, it should be fine. I believe the overall objective was met. Also, I really liked how there was an informational part of the video that could be a possible explanation as to why Filipinos love to entertain and perform. However, I think it would be helpful to emphasize at the beginning of the informational part of the video, why you think this may be (to provide a living and to express their emotions). Also, you should go more in depth about how exactly the colonization played a role. Did the colonization of Filipinos take away all the jobs for the Filipinos so they had to turn to entertainment to provide for their families? If so, please clearly state that. Furthermore, I was unclear about who exactly was interviewed? Did you only interview Non-Filipinos for the first question or did you do both? I think it would be very helpful if you clearly stated who the people were and their ethnicity. By doing so, it would bring more credibility to what they were saying.

  4. Hi, for the specific feedback about the layout of the video. I think the video is great in general hitting they key points. I think as a video, the video was very linear at the start, but towards the end the transitions and talking in the background with relevant pictures and humor made me more attentive. I don't really know the Filipino side that well and thought you all did a really good job explaining the point. I think you all did a good job and met the objective. I think the only part to honestly fix is the structure of the film itself and maybe not put interview after interview and have some history going into each question before asking the question, but that's just by preference. I hope you all good luck on the SAPSA project and look forward to seeing the final result.

    -Kalani Murakami Section 2

  5. Robert Zhu

    ASA 002 Section A02

    Review for 3A

    Although the written objective was short and concise, the video thoroughly covered the objective. I found the topic of your SAPSA very interesting, and watching this video helped me realize a lot of things about Filipino culture that I didn’t know about previously. I found parts of the video a bit repetitive, as almost all of the video was interviewing people sitting down and talking. In my opinion, there might have been too many interviews so adding in some variety in creativity like skits or maybe even a song about the your SAPSA would be ideas you can implement. I think there were many parts in the video where multiple people said similar things to a given question, so maybe take out those parts that are repetitive so you have more space to add in different things since the video is almost the maximum time length. However, I did enjoy the answers the people gave, and I liked how you had a lot of people participate. Another aspect that I liked was how you gave the explanation to why Filipinos love to entertain while showing clips of Filipinos performing. I liked the layout of the video because it was clear to understand - ordering from introducing the question, discussion on the topic, and answer/conclusion to the objective.
